This is Early Bird Pricing.
Prices will increase on January 31st
Ultra-Trail Causeway
16th September 2023
Ultra-Trail CW
14thSeptember 2024
Pack Collection and start line Portballintrae Village Hal
Start time: 7am (Pack collection from 5:45am bus leave for start line at 6:15am)
10 hours to complete
Total Distance: 64km
Total elevation: 449m
The Ultra Marathon is the longest category at 63km and is a serious undertaking. You will first take a short bus trip to the beach in Portstewart and the start line. From here you will run the costal paths passing through Portstewart and Portrush along the way. You will encounter various trail conditions on this section from pavement, single track gravel, grass and beaches. The Beach from Portrush to White Rocks is beautiful but brutal. Then onto Portballintrae passing Dunluce castle on the way. On arriving at Portballintrae you will pass through the start line for the Marathon joining the marathon course for the duration of the ultra in an out and back format.
As an ultra-competitor you will have the opportunity to leave a drop bag with us at pack collection on the morning of the event. The will be brought into the course for you to have access at Dunserverik Harbor at 36km and again at 50km. It will then be brought back to the finish line for collection once the last ultra-runner has cleared this point. On finishing the race you will get a Beer from Mourne Mountain Brewery, some food and the all-important event Medal.
From 8am the following Support Stations are at the following distances and locations:
1 – 12.7km Portrush, Water and medical
2 – 22.6km Portballintrae, Food, Water Medical
3 – 34.8km Dunserverick Castle . Food, Water and medical
4 – 36.5km Dunserverick Harbour Food, water and medical & Drop bags
5 – 43km Larrybane (turn) Food Water and Medical
6 – 50.5km Dunsererick Harbour Food, water and medical & Drop bags
7 – 52.3km Dunserverick Castle Food, water, Medical
8 – 59km Giants Causeway Food, water and medical
Aid stations are also clearly marked on the interactive route
Finding your way
As with all the categories the Ultra Trail will be fully way marked. While being able to navigate isn’t completely necessary we encourage everyone to take time to study the course, train on it if possible, carry a map and know how to use it. We encourage the use of GPS and other mapping software such as viewranger. GPX files will be available prior to the event. We will do everything in our power to ensure your kept on track but in the end its your responsibility to follow our guidance and physical markers on the course.
Safety and medical
We will have a dedicated Check Point Crew located along the course at strategic points. We will monitor and record both your progress and your physical and mental state. If you require medical attention we will task one of our private paramedics to your location if appropriate. Our team will be there if you need them.
Mandatory Equipment
This is a serious event and needs to be taken seriously. Costal weather can change suddenly. In past Causeway Coast Marathons we have had everything from torrential rain and gale force winds to scorching heat and drought conditions. You need to be prepared for all eventualities should you sustain an injury, become unwell or get lost. We are asking all participants to also download the View ranger app to their phone prior to the event. This app can be used to pinpoint your location should you become lost, injured or unwell. The list below is mandatory and checks will be made to ensure everyone is properly prepared before starting.
– Full body waterproof cover
– Warm hat
– Space Blanket
– Additional power bank for phone. (this can be kept in you drop bag).
– Small first aid kit
– Back Pack or wait pack to keep it in
– Extra food and water is recommended but plenty will be available at water stations.
Cut offs 10 hours to complete
1st Cut off – 22km Portballintrae – 10am 3 hours into the race
2nd Cut off – 43km Larrybane Turn 1pm 6 hours into race
3rd Cut off – 52km Dunseverick Harbor 2:30pm 7.5 hours into race
4TH Cut off – 59km Giants Causeway 4pm 9 hours into the race
Finish line Cut off – 5pm 10 hours into race
At the end of the race you will be welcomed by 100s of fellow runners, spectators, your support crew and the 26 extreme crew that have been with you for the duration of the event. You’ll get a beer or two from Mourne Mountain Brewery, a bite to eat a medal and a buff. We will also have a medical crew and massage team to care for any injuries you’ve picked up along the way.
Causeway Coast FULL Marathon
14th September 2023
Causeway Coast FULL Marathon
14th September
Pack Collection
Start time 9am (pack Collection from 6am – 8:30am)
8 hours to complete
Total Length: 42km
Total Ascent:
The Causeway Coast Full Distance Marathon is an out and back course Starting & Finishing in Portballintrae. After running Runkerry Head you descend to the World Famous Giants Causeway and run through the gap in the stones before climbing the infamous Shepherds Steps. From here its Clifftops, beaches, mud, sand and seaweed all the way to the turnaround just after Ballintoy at Larrybane Quarry. If you’re new to the Causeway, don’t come expecting a gentle coastal run. It’s one of the toughest marathon courses out there… but it’s also one of the most dramatic and beautiful. The pain from the race will wear off quickly and you will be left with the memory of taking part in one of the UK and Ireland’s top trail running events. Expect all terrain and be prepared for everything the weather can throw at you.
Pack Collection and Start
The event area, parking and pack collection will be clearly signposted on your arrival to Portballintrae. The event pack collection will take place from 6am -8 :30am on 14th Sep. The event will start at 9am sharp beside pack collection under the arch.
Aid stations
From 8am the following Support Stations are at the following distances and locations:
1 – 12.22km Dunseverick Castle . Food, Water & Medical Support
2 – 14km Dunseverick Harbour Food, Water & Medical Support & Drop bags
3 – 21KM Turn – Food, Water, Medical
4 –28km Dunseverick Harbour Food, water and medical & Drop bags
5 – 29.6km Dunseverick Castle Food, Water & Medical Support
6 – 37km Giants Causeway Food, Water & Medical Support
Finding your way
As with all the categories the Marathon will be fully way marked. Whilst being able to navigate isn’t completely necessary we encourage everyone to take time to study the course, train on it if possible, carry a map and know how to use it. We encourage the use of GPS and other mapping software such as viewranger. GPX files will be available prior to the event. We will do everything in our power to ensure your kept on track but in the end its your responsibility to follow our guidance and physical markers on the course.
Safety and medical
We will have a dedicated Check Point Crew located along the course at strategic points. We will monitor and record both your progress and your physical and mental state. If you require medical attention, we will task one of our private paramedics to your location if appropriate. Our team will be there if you need them.
Cut offs 8 hours to complete
1st cut off – mid-way point, 21km in Larrybane at 1pm.
2nd cut off – 29km, Dunseverick Castle at 3pm.
3rd cut off – 37km at the Giants Causeway at 4pm
1st Cut off – 21km 4pm 4 hours into the race
2nd Cut off – 32km 6pm 6 hours into race
Finish line Cut off – 42km 8pm 8 hours into race
At the end of the race you will be welcomed by 100s of fellow runners, spectators and the 26 extreme crew that have been with you for the duration of the event. You’ll get a beer or two from Mourne Mountains Brewery, a bite to eat, a medal and a buff. We will also have a medical crew and massage team to care for any injuries you’ve picked up along the way.
Causeway Coast ½ Marathon
14th September 2023
Causeway Coast ½ Marathon
14th September 2024
Pack Collection and bus to the start location
Start Time: 12pm
5 hours to complete
Total Distance – 21km
Total Ascent – 154m
The Causeway Coast ½ Marathon is the largest category in the event. The limit is set at 500 people in total and will reach its capacity a short time after opening. If you’re planning on taking part in this race we advise you to enter quickly to avoid disappointment. The same challenging terrain awaits competitors in what is without doubt one of the most difficult ½ marathons out there. Now in its 14th Year the Causeway Coast Marathon is one of the most popular trails in Northern Ireland and for good reason. Spectacular view, steep costal paths, fast descents, steps, beaches, seaweed and everything in-between await those brave enough to toe the start line. After being bussed to the start line Larrybane Quarry beside the world famous Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge you embark on a journey that will take you across every type of terrain imaginable. Along the way you’ll encounter ultra-runners and challenge walkers as well as challenge walkers and 10kers all heading for the same finish line.
Pack Collection and Start
The event area, parking and pack collection will be clearly signposted on your arrival to Portballintrae. The event pack collection will take place from 6am -11am on the 14th September 2024. At 11:15am you will board a bus and be transported to the start line for your event briefing and start at 3pm sharp.
Aid stations
Food and water stations will be spread evenly across the course
1 – 6km – Portbradden
2 – 7.21 – Dunseverick Harbour
3 –9km Dunseverick castle
4 – 15.7km Giants Causeway
Aid station locations are also clearly marked on the interactive map.
Finding your way
As with all the categories, the Causeway 1/2 Marathon will be fully way marked. While being able to navigate isn’t completely necessary we encourage everyone to take time to study the course, train on it if possible, carry a map and know how to use it. We encourage the use of GPS and other mapping software such as viewranger. GPX files will be available prior to the event. We will do everything in our power to ensure you’re kept on track but in the end its your responsibility to follow our guidance and physical markers on the course.
The Route of the Causeway Coast ½ Marathon is a linier course. You are bussed to the start location and run home. On route, you will encounter rocks, mud, sand, gravel, grass and everything in-between. The conditions are ever changing so you need to be prepared.
The Route
Safety and medical
We will have a dedicated mountain Check Point Crew located along the course at strategic points. We will monitor and record both your progress and your physical and mental state. If you require medical attention, we will task one of our private paramedics to your location if appropriate. Our team will be there if you need them.
Cut offs 6 hours to complete
1st Cut off – 9km 2pm Dunseverick Casltle 2 hours into the race
2nd Cut off – 16km 4pm Giants Causeway 4 hours into the race
Finish line Cut off – 21km 5pm 5 hours into race
At the end of the race you will be welcomed by 100s of fellow runners, spectators, your support crew and the 26 extreme crew that have been with you for the duration of the event. You’ll get a beer or two from Mourne Mountain Brewery, a bite to eat a medal and a buff to wear with pride remember your efforts on the day. We will also have a medical crew and massage team to care for any injuries you’ve picked up along the way.
Causeway 10k
14th September
Causeway Coast 10km Race and Challenge walk
14th September 2024
Pack Collection and bus to the start location
Start Time: 1pm
4 hours to complete
Total Distance – 10km
Total Ascent – 139m
Total Descent 190m
The 10k will start at Portmoon, by for one of the most dramatic start lines of any race in the country. After a short bus ride onboard one of Tranknslink’s finest you will be dropped off at the access road that leads to Portmoon. This is a private road and we are grateful to have been given permission to access across it for the 2024 race. The access road is 1.5km in length so you’ll be perfectly warmed up by the time you reach the start. The race will start at 1pm sharp when you will join the racecourse all the way back to the finish in Portballintrae.
Pack collection 7am – 11:30am
Bus departure – 12pm
Race Start 1pm
Finding your way
As with all the categories the Marathon will be fully way marked. Whilst being able to navigate isn’t completely necessary we encourage everyone to take time to study the course, train on it if possible, carry a map and know how to use it. We encourage the use of GPS and other mapping software such as viewranger. GPX files will be available prior to the event. We will do everything in our power to ensure you’re kept on track but in the end its your responsibility to follow our guidance and physical markers on the course. A fully interactive route map can be found here
Safety and medical
We will have a dedicated Check Point Crew located along the course at strategic points. We will monitor and record both your progress and your physical and mental state. If you require medical attention, we will task one of our private paramedics to your location if appropriate. Our team will be there if you need them.
Cut offs 4 hours to complete
Cut off – Mid Way point at 5km Giants Causeway 2pm
At the end of the race you will be welcomed by 100s of fellow runners, spectators and the 26 extreme crew that have been with you for the duration of the event. You’ll get a beer or two from Mourne Mountains Brewery, a medal and a buff. We will also have a medical crew and massage team to care for any injuries you’ve picked up along the way.
The Causeway Coast Marathon Events
In 2010 the Causeway Coast Marathon arrived onto the running calendar as the second ever mass participation off road marathon in Ireland and second only to the Mourne Way Marathon that was staged for the first time the year before.
Brainchild of newly formed events company 26 Extreme Ltd the event quickly grew momentum attracting competitors from all over Ireland the UK and beyond.
The event HQ and finish line is located in the quiet sea side village of Portballintrae providing the perfect location to head out onto the headlands and beyond.
The event comprises of 5 categories, the 10km, ½ Marathon, Marathon, Ultra and Challenge Walk in aid of Cancer Focus NI.
Portballintrae and North Coast
The North Coast of Northern Ireland needs little introduction. Its rugged coastline of cliffs beaches and bays looking out across the North Channel towards Scotland are world famous and for good reason.
The coastal path provides one of the most epic and stunningly beautiful courses in the world. Runners even get to run through the world-famous Giants Causeway and climb the infamous Shepherd’s steps on the outward routes. It’s difficult to put into words how spectacular the views are. Portballintrae is located just a few miles from town of Bushmills and has been the home of the event since it started in 2010. Portballintrae has an excellent hotel called the Bayview with excellent accommodation, bar and restaurant. The seaside resort towns of Portrush and Portstewart are also a short drive away with plenty of options to stay, eat and drink.
What happens once you’re entered?
On the day parking
Pack Collection
Marshals & Way marking
Aid and feed/water Stations
Podiums and prizes.
Basalt Six will be offering a range of prises as detailed below.
Ultra-Marathon 1st, 2nd, 3rd Male/Female
Marathon 1st, 2nd 3rd Male/Female
½ Marathon 1st 2nd, 3rd Male/Female
10KM 1st, 2nd, 3rd Male Female
Please note that in the event there is only 1 runner in the race there will be no podium.
This is sometimes the case in the women’s ultra-event for example.
Official Charity Partner
Cancer Focus NI.
Once again we have teamed up with Cancer Focus as our Official Charity partner for the 2024 Causeway Coast Marathon.
Cancer Focus provide care and support services for cancer patients and their families; offer a range of cancer prevention programmes to help people lessen their risk of getting cancer; fund scientific research into the causes and treatment of the disease and campaign for better health policy to protect our community and its future.
If you are looking for a charity to support we recommend Cancer Focus. Just get in touch and their team will be with you every step of the way. Contact to find out how to get involved and raise funds.
other charities
Many competitors choose to run for charity without us even knowing.
It’s fantastic to hear that so many people have used the event to raise much needed funds for local charities and good causes. Right now, more than ever charities need all the help they can get.
If you’re raising funds for your chosen charity feel free to get in touch and we will share your story on our website and social media platforms and help boot your campaign.
BASALT Breaks invites you to STAY in the comfort of our luxury accommodation. Experience nature’s amazing PLAYground and take time to CONNECT with friends and family.
Situated in the Northern Ireland seaside town of Ballycastle on the famous North Antrim coast, BASALT Breaks provides luxury accommodation for groups, families and corporate.
Our two locations across four properties are the perfect base for guided walks, hikes, surfing, Stand Up Paddle boarding, snorkelling, water bikes and e-bikes.
Please CONTACT US for more details on our activity partners and options available.
Our Beer Partners
Mourne Mountains Brewery
Event Rules
Strict Rules of Participation
- You must not acquire another person’s entry pack and run under their name.
- You must not enter a category and decide to run a different category without notifying
us and changing officially. - You can only start events at the designated time. Do not attempt to start early.
- Registration and pack collection times are made widely available. Please do not ask to
register early. - We operate a strict leave no trace and plastic free policy. Anyone caught deliberately
littering will be DNFd and banned from future events. - Stashing supplies or clothing on the course prior to the event is strictly prohibited. Any
stash found will be treated as litter and disposed of appropriately. Anyone found stashing
will be disqualified from the event and banned from future events. - No outside assistance or support is allowed.
- Runners are not allowed to be accompanied by unregistered runners
- Mandatory equipment for Ultra
- If you leave the course for any reason you must re-enter at the exact same point. If you
become lost and reenter the course at another location, you must back track to the original
location you went off course. - You must disclose any underlying health conditions or injuries prior to starting the event.
- Any injuries or incidents during the race must be reported as soon as possible.